Bluemont Parent Information
We celebrate students as diverse learners by helping them to achieve at their highest potential.
Through partnerships with the community and a focus on the 6 Pillars of Character, we will support our diverse learners by making data informed decisions tied to their specific needs to create an inquiry-based environment where students are comfortable taking responsible risks to problem solve and think critically. Within such an environment, each student will be empowered and inspired to reach their full academic, emotional, and physical potential.
About Bluemont Elementary School
Bluemont mascot: Bobcats
Bluemont colors: Royal Blue and White
Regular School hours 8:45 AM – 3:45 PM
Half days 8:45 AM – 12:00 PM
School Environment
Our goal is to provide a safe, caring, and positive learning environment, by building positive relationships between our students and staff. All students follow the 3 Be’s and the rules on the behavior matix (included). The Six Pillars of Character Education, Zones of Regulation, and the Second Step Program also guide the behavior for all students, staff, and families at Bluemont School.
Before and After School
Before school Boys & Girls Club opens for members beginning at 7:30 a.m. Supervised activities and breakfast are available. Boys & Girls Club members enter at the NW entrance off the back parking lot.
All students and guests must enter the school through the front doors on the southwest side by the flagpole. Morning supervision is provided for non-Boys & Girls Club students beginning at 8:15 AM when students are allowed in the building. At this time, they will report to their assigned morning locations for their grade level and remain there until they are picked up by their teachers at 8:35 AM.
Breakfast will be served before school between 8:15 and 8: 35 a.m.
After school, Boys & Girls Club is held at Bluemont from 3:50-6:00 p.m. daily. Boys & Girls Club programs focus on five core areas including education, character & leadership,
health & life skills, the arts and physical fitness. After school pick up for Boys & Girls Club is at the NW entrance off the parking lot.
Membership forms are available on-line at Enrollment occurs only through the main club site at 220 S. 5th Street. The phone number is (785) 539-1947.
Extended Day Learning may be offered at various times throughout the year on Tuesday and Thursdays, for grades 3-5. This tutoring time is from 3:45-4:25 PM, working with teachers and staff.
The Bluemont Boppin’ Blues Choir for 3rd -5th grades meets one day a week for practice at a time yet to be determined.
Announcements on Go Green Team and Leadership will be made as they become available.
Bringing Items to School
Bluemont Elementary has worked extensively to build into our classrooms supports to help our students actively and independently regulate emotions and work toward successful integration of the learning environment. As such, each instructional space has tools for de-escalation and calming. Classrooms, with the Social Worker’s guidance, have taught students how to use the Calm Corners and tools provided. Since we have established these routines within our classrooms, we do not allow personal items from home to be brought into the learning environment (stuffies, fidgets, etc.) as this causes disruption to our learning and poses some potential health concerns.
Students are encouraged to keep with them a water bottle that they can use throughout the day in most locations. We do not allow other drinks to be brought to school for students.
Student drop-off and pick-up
Students driven to school should be dropped off in the front parking lot loop during regular school hours. The bus lane is on 8th Street, west of the school. Students must use the crosswalks while crossing the parking lot. Please do not leave your car unattended in the passing lane of the parking lot, in neighborhood driveways, or blocking other cars in our parking lot. We encourage students in the neighborhood to walk together to school.
After school, students picked up will exit to the front parking lot. All students are supervised by our teachers during pick-up and bus dismissal. Parents may not park on either side of 8th Street during after school pick-up. We continuously work with the City of Manhattan and Riley County Police Department to improve the safety of our traffic flow each school year. Please be very cautious of our school children and their families during drop-off and pick-up times.
As a school policy, visitors are limited to a 30 min or less time frame when visiting classrooms so we can ensure respect for the classroom learning environment and lessen disruption for our students. This time must be scheduled in advance and at a time that is mutually agreed upon by teacher and administrator.
Communication opportunities
- Call the Bluemont Office at 587-2030. You can leave a message for your child’s teacher to call you when he/she is available.
- E-mail your child’s teacher. E-mail addresses are available on the district website.
- The Bobcat Bulletin is available once monthly. This newsletter is available on the school website.
- Classroom newsletters or ParentSquare messages will come directly from your child’s teacher.
- Visit our school website at for all current information and a school and district calendar.
Unique opportunities
- Student involvement – Go Green student committee, Leadership Group, Military student group, Bluemont Boppin’ Blues choir, Spelling Bee, music programs, school spirit days
- Parent involvement – PTO (Parent-Teacher Organization) and various committees, Bluemont Site Council, Monthly Birthday Celebrations, and volunteering in classrooms and for special activities
- Family and community involvement –Community service projects, Family Engagement Nights, math & literacy events, Boys & Girls Club, Big Brothers and Big Sisters, KSU Professional Development Partnership
Six Pillars of Character
- Have courage to do the right thing, no matter where you are.
- Be reliable and loyal.
- Keep your promises.
- Treat yourself and your classroom/school family with respect —ALWAYS!
- Follow the Golden Rule.
- Be tolerant and accepting of differences.
- Be considerate of the feelings of others.
- Accept responsibility for your actions, words, and attitude.
- Do your best, be diligent, and persevere.
- Think before you act, say, or do.
- No matter what, be honest at all times.
- Treat all other students fairly.
- Listen to others and be open-minded.
- Show empathy and express gratitude.
- Always be on the lookout for a friend in need.
- Forgive others.
- Be polite!
- Work to make your home, school, community a better place.
- Respect authority and obey rules.
3 Be’s
Be Respectful Be Safe Be Responsible