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Bluemont Library Media Center

“Reading is your WINDOW to Possibilities”

We all have possibilities we don't know about. We can do things we don't even dream we can do. --Dale Carnegie

Hello! I am Pam Curtis, the library media specialist for Bluemont Elementary. It is my honor to be your guide as you look for all the “possibilities” in our library! Mrs. Stigge has shown and taught me so much in the past two years I worked with her. I appreciate everything she had to share with me about being a Bobcat and what it means to be a Bluemont media specialist. And now, it’s time for me to open the Bluemont Media Center “window” to all sorts of possibilities that await.

This is my 31st year in education, but my first year as a library media specialist. My excitement is bubbling. Along with Mrs. Kara Chapman, our library clerk, we hope to make the Bluemont Media Center a wonderous, diverse, and inviting place for everyone at Bluemont Elementary. Our media center is located right in the middle of the school because it is our belief that a school library should be the “hub” of a school. It is my hope that students, teachers, and parents have continuous access to our media center and all the resources it has!

The library media center will be an active place where learning of all types will be happening. Whether it be through a book, technology, or in making connections with others, our media center will be a beacon for information literacy, critical thinking, new discoveries, and exploring a multitude of books.

Materials in our media center reflect what is used in the classrooms. It is my goal to help teachers find ways to integrate curriculum and collaborate with their fellow teachers. The doors to our library are always open throughout the day. Promoting reading and literacy will be forefront in everything we do. By providing a range of teaching modes, from large group, to small groups, to individual assistance, to all school events and challenges, or all school assemblies for special presentations, our media center’s focus will always be promoting reading and literacy.

Bluemont Media Center is the place to go…it’s the place to be…whether you are looking for a book to read or you need the answer to a question. Mrs. Curtis and Mrs. Chapman will guide you as you discover the possibilities!

Welcome to the Bluemont Elementary Media Center, we can’t wait to see you!

Mrs. Curtis

Bluemont Library

Mrs. Curtis, Librarian
Mrs. Chapman, Clerk

Bluemont Library Online Catalog

Kansas State Library Catalog

Manhattan Public Library


  • Where curious students go to learn! A curriculum-connected, supplemental learning tool for elementary school educators. Contact your school librarian for access!

Websites to help students search and use information

Choose the Best Search for Your Information Need

BIG 6 Information Skills

Teaching Copyright

World Book Online - user name and password required for use at home, contact librarian to obtain information

Kansas State Library - Research for Kids

Award Winning Books and Recommendations

Caldecott Book Awards

Newberry Book Awards

Good Reads

Tumble Book Library - user name and password required - contact school librarian for information

Notable Children's Books

William Allen White Children's Book Awards