Welcome to Bluemont Elementary School, home of the Bobcats! We are honored to have you join our Bobcat family this year. I look forward to partnering with you throughout the year to build the best possible educational foundation for your student(s).
Bluemont Elementary is a Kindergarten through fifth grade school with an enrollment of approximately 220 students. In addition to the core content areas, students are exposed to various other learning opportunities through STEM classes, art, music, and physical education. Bluemont also offers several additional learning opportunities before and after school including the Boppin’ Blues Choir, Go Green, and Leadership.
At Bluemont Elementary, we expect all students, staff, and parents to exhibit the Six Pillars of Character: Caring, Citizenship, Fairness, Respect, Responsibility, and Trustworthiness. We build upon these expectations through our Second Step Curriculum, Den Time, and monthly Bobcat Newscasts.
Bluemont Elementary is proud of our caring and inviting environment for not only our students but also their families and our staff. We promote building these relationships throughout various activities throughout the year. During our multi-grade level Den Time, we work on creating those bonds with each other and building upon that sense of community through fun activities with staff members.
A huge part of our school’s success has been the involvement of our community and parents. I personally invite you to become a member of our PTO and Site Council. Additionally, we invite parents to volunteer within our school at various times throughout the year or lend your expertise to aspects of our school whether that be educational or otherwise. Parents are welcome in the school but are required to sign-in at the main office and wear a visitor’s badge. We encourage parents to stay up-to-date by following us on Facebook, reading the Bobcat Bulletin, visiting the school website or enrolling in ParentSquare for building & district updates.
On behalf of the Bluemont Elementary faculty and staff, I welcome you to our Bobcat family and Manhattan Ogden Schools. I look forward to getting to know you and your student this upcoming year.
Beth Neitzel
Bluemont Elementary Principal
714 Bluemont Ave. Manhattan, KS 66502
Phone: 785-587-2030
Fax: 785-587-2034
Bluemont Vision (developed in Summer 2020)
We celebrate students as diverse learners by helping them to achieve at their highest potential.
Bluemont Mission Statement (revised in Summer 2024)
Through partnerships with the community and a focus on the 6 Pillars of Character, we will support our diverse learners by making data informed decisions tied to their specific needs to create an inquiry-based environment where students are comfortable taking responsible risks to problem solve and think critically. Within such an environment, each student will be empowered and inspired to reach their full academic, emotional, and physical potential.
2024 Student Behavior Matrix
2024 Bonus Information for Parents